SOS Meeting Minutes

“SOS minutes posted on SOS menu page above”
Hi there all those in our Save Old School ‘family’ who are supportive of our progress forward to install a Community Hub into the Old School Ivinghoe.
Herewith our latest minutes.
After a gap whilst BCC BIG committee considered our final Community Asset Transfer, it was good to gather around some tables in the Rose and Crown again and share the most important moves and messages achieved in the last two months.The basic award is shown on the third and last page of these minutes attached….and of course we are all joyous at this achievement. The Big Lottery grant application is now in and we await their reaction with a held breath!
We now turn our faces to other funding streams to assist this refurbishment challenge, which is all now ours to shoulder, and have formed a team of four to apply and two to proof read our application attempts.
Liz Raba from Flametree Community Limited, who will lead a good percentage of the activities for all our differing age-groups and tastes, that you will see on offer in folded pamphlets around Pitstone and Ivinghoe shortly, was there at our meeting to discuss practical details. Hayley Wesley who will install and run a Cafe within the building could not make this particular meeting, but instead furnished us with questions by email and a costed plan for her personal setting-up. So we are all in close communication and full agreement as to the way forward. We will gain occasional access to the building over the next month to take utilities advisors into the premises for researching and costing refurbishment details, and hope to be agreeing a Bucks County Council Lease by the end of that same October 2012 month also.
We are working hard to bring about our active presence in the building by some time around New Year 2013…subject to all the refurbishment and grant awards needed for such remedial activities…and Lease final moves. We are full of ideas that will assist us to fit comfortably within the context of what is already here on offer in our lovely village, and on imaginative methods to support those present activities and spaces whilst we across the road enhance the gaps, in a mutually helpful manner, knowing we have the support of Brookmead school, the Church family and the Parish…..and of course all of you!
Please spread the word on this campaign’s success, and plan positively with us for the future. We will try to keep the villages informed of our progress through the relevant magazines, Newspapers and our website (manned by Martin McCormack)…..and our leaflet. When we are up and running the Trustees for our ‘not for private profit’ community organisation will post regular ‘transparent’ accounts and open reports in the Community Library and on our website, for you to peruse at leisure.
Many thanks for the help you offer in many small ways….please keep that suggestions….this is for us all to support and use…….we will let you all know when it is ‘paint brush’ time!
best wishes for your days
Carol Tarrant (Corn)
Chair of Ivinghoe SOS

Meeting 17th Sept

Hi there inner SOS!
Tonight we meet again ( 8 p.m. Rose and Crown) for the first time in ages…and now in a very good mood!
We have won the battle…and been awarded our CAT… now comes the planning forward to ‘open for business stage’. We have made some notes on what we need to share with you and then we want the rest of the time to be spent on questions and shared imaginative answers… no need for Agenda print-out production tonight.
We decided against an agenda as mostly Liz and Hayley will want to have a lot of small questions answered…and we will give over a lot of time for that in the second part of the meeting. Apart from that we have Public Liability Insurance to bridge in the interim before the Lease is signed in late October/early November and that will allow access for research into grant bid needs and costs. We will discuss grant bids and how to approach this workload also.