Hi everyone! November again – autumn leaves and cool winds are upon us! A quiz night is planned for 19th November in CuriosiTEA Rooms, also an elder-statesmens’ afternoon tea on 12th . At the Hub here, all manner of things – the Christmas Market on 22nd, Canasta, Boxercise and Kickboxing, Simply Walks and Simply Singing, the regular Music Classes, Guides Meetings, Bridge Club, Pilates and the Crochet Club – even the Eagle Society meeting! Private Parties book up frequently, so if you have anything planned, please do book early.
Do please remember that we work very closely with Ivinghoe Town Hall – if you would like to book both venues for a larger event, then this can be arranged – also, you might consider hiring the Lawn from the Parish Council if you think parking would be required – we do have their booking information if you would like it.