Welcome Back!

After six months of lock-down, we are really pleased to now be able to take bookings for Hall space – as previously, either for the Main Hall, for a smaller sub-divided part of the Main Hall, or for the IT Suite – although the bookings must strictly be on the basis of adhering to Government Guidelines in respect of Covid-19 restrictions for the time being, which we are sure that everyone will understand. Current guidance is now appended to our Booking Form, which by making a booking will be part of the Booking Conditions which are accepted by the Hirer or Event Organiser. Download the Booking Form by clicking here – http://www.ivinghoeoldschool.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/Covid-19-Booking-Form-05-10-2020.pdf

We cannot yet publish a calendar of events for September, simply because at the time of writing we have no firm bookings and dates to insert into a calendar. You are no doubt aware that the on-site Café – CuriosiTea Rooms – have been open since 4th July, so do please continue to enjoy a cup of Tea or Coffee, and eat tasty food.

Do remember that we work very closely with the Town Hall in joint booking ventures, and with the Parish Council in their making the Lawn available for Car-Parking if your event requires it – just make sure to book the Lawn through the Parish Council’s web-site at least a week in advance –
