Hi everyone – Happy New Year – an eventful one in all sorts of ways, we suspect! Do feel welcome to join in the many good things on offer at the Hub – Simply Walks, Simply Singing, Bridge Club, Kickboxercise, Guides, Music Classes, WI Craft Evening, Natural Pilates, Canasta – and this month sees another popular CuriosiTEA Rooms Quiz evening, a Psychic evening, and the new Soft Play Group starting on a Friday morning.
Do remember that we work very closely with the Town Hall in joint booking ventures, and with the Parish Council in their making the Lawn available for Car-Parking if your event requires it – just make sure to book the Lawn through the Parish Council’s web-site at least a week in advance – http://www.ivinghoepc.org.uk/community/ivinghoe-parish-council-12882/the-lawn/