March 2020 Calendar!

Hi everyone – we do hope that you are enjoying our newly finished Hall floor – and needless to say, we are anxious that it remains looking good, so please do take care to preserve the good appearance!! Our Calendar for March is attached – almost back to normal after the break while the flooring work was carried out – Simply Walks and Simply Singing, Bridge Club, Kickboxercise, CuriosiTEA Rooms Quiz evening on 17th, Guides, Guitar and Ukulele Classes, Pilates, Canasta, Crochet Group. A new Mums and Babes Film Group is starting on 13th, Beacon Arts have booked for a Film afternoon on 17th, and there is a ‘Functional Feet Workshop’ on 27th! All very exciting! The Freight Strategy Consultation took place on 5th, although the exhibition and consultation deposit box continues at the Hub here until 13th March – do please join the discussion!

Do remember that we work very closely with the Town Hall in joint booking ventures, and with the Parish Council in their making the Lawn available for Car-Parking if your event requires it – just make sure to book the Lawn through the Parish Council’s web-site at least a week in advance –