March 12th 2012 minutes


      Group Meeting in the Rose & Crown, Ivinghoe, 

      12th March 2012 at 8.00pm


PRESENT:     Carol Tarrant

Liz Raba

Martin McCormack

John Wallis

Joley Brindle

Les Laing

Alex Wynne

Karen Groome

Sue Nicholls

Moira Heggarty

Bob Corn

    APOLOGIES: Margaret Holliday

Sylvia Simmonds

Jane Custance

Mike Custance

Carol welcomed everyone to the meeting which had been called to further discuss proposals in connection with the Old School Building in the centre of Ivinghoe, and its possible future for the community.

Previous Minutes: All approved.

Web Site: Martin reported that he had researched Domain Name availability – presenting a list to the meeting; after lively debate, three were shortlisted, and a show of hands vote selected ‘’.

Martin asked for content – Les will put together a short snappy history of the

building – Liz and Joley will assemble notes of what is now proposed, Alex will

contact Mrs. Lloyd-Evans to see if historical photographs are available – many

suggestions were put forward; Bob will send photographs of the existing interior

to Martin, Carol will send the questionnaire findings and anything else helpfull.


Liz and Joley: presented their (very well received) outline proposals – what they have done previously and their respective histories in Theatre, and projects carried out locally – Dacorum Youth Productions, Court Youth Theatre and The Learning Project. A suggestion of a very full and rich timetable was put forward, noting that until detailed consultations and research has taken place, it must be regarded as preliminary.


Liz and Joley will make contact with Hayley Wesley to form a link with the Café

proposals as soon as practicable; they also tabled their Fire Policy and Risk

Assessment Documents, as they are helping to form the seven ‘model documents’ required in our Part two task list.


Business Plan and Project Plan: Noted that Alistair Owens and Mike Custance have both been working on these aspects – Bob had had a conversation with Alistair before this meeting and had discussed Alistair’s Business Model – Alistair to send a copy to Bob shortly, and Mike sent a preliminary copy of his Project Plan to Carol after the meeting; Bob will get together with Alistair and Mike to bring things forward, we by now having received Alistair’s Business Model.


Lottery Application: Carol noted that the ‘BIG Lottery’ Application has been withdrawn – this solely due to the fact that we have not yet signed a lease with Bucks CC for the building; the guidance given by the Lottery Official is that our proposals are entirely in line with their thinking, and are supported – we should increase our bid for additional activities – but only when we have a lease!The Lottery advised we re-apply in the next imminent roll-out. Everyone felt that we should lodge our lease proposals as soon as we can – Liz and Joley noting that their ‘Small School’ aspects of the overall Theatre Proposals might be in jeopardy if things were delayed beyond September 2012.


Committee: After discussion, it was decided that we should forthwith elect a Committee so that our Constitution can be ratified, and a Bank Account opened:


Chair – Carol Tarrant – Proposed Alex, Seconded John – Carried

Treasurer – John Wallis – Proposed Les, Seconded Carol – Carried

Secretary – Bob Corn – Proposed Alex, Seconded Les – Carried

Committee Members – Alex Wynne (Funding); Martin McCormack to be invited (Media) – Jane Custance to be invited to become a Committee Member because of her specialist Council knowledge. All other interested folk to offer assistance as available.


Noted that the next meeting will confirm the Constitution, our approach to Charitable Trust status, and our Banking Arrangements and plan in the risk assessment timing and divide up the remaining 17 required BCC part 2 tasks.


Any Other Business:

Alex had prepared a draft article for inclusion in shortly to be published Parish Magazine, Carol has secured a double page in the forthcoming Beacon to combine script and photographs.

A Public Meeting will be held in May 2012 – Carol to contact County Councillor Avril Davies (who briefly joined our meeting), Jackie Wesley and Karen to set the date.

We need to plan our ‘Seed-Corn’ or ‘Pump-Priming’ funding – we should approach Councillor Davies and other Council officials for help; also, a Quiz Night is planned for 23rd May 2012 in the Rose & Crown to include a ‘Promises Auction’ and Alistair’s generous inclusion of food, and Joley might plan some form of ‘entertainment’! Alex and Sue to progress this.


Next Meeting: 26th March 2012 at 8.00pm, Rose & Crown, Ivinghoe